Veg Plants

Veg Plants


There are 14 products.

Showing 1-12 of 14 item(s)

Tomato Plants

Vigorous and high yielding plants Packed in 1 litre pot Excellent quality fruit Good flavour Water and feed regularly    Available Late April to Mid May Approx 65 days to Harvest  Only available at outlets. Saundersons / Tynedale (wigton)  Waverton filling station


Produces dark green Fruit Can be picked as standard size Courgettes or left to mature as marrows Space 60cm apart   rows  1.5 metre apart Available Late May to Mid June Harvest July Onwards
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Brussel Sprouts

Packed in 12 cell pack Plant mid April to Early June Spacing 60 x 60 cm Harvest late August to October Produces a good yield of tight evenly spaced buttons Only available through saundersons / Tynedale (wigton) or Waverton filling station

Cabbage (Spring)

Cabbage Greyhound Good sized hearts 12 plants per pack Harvest 50 to 60 days from planting Available Mid April to  Late May Only available through saundersons / Tynedale (wigton) or Waverton filling station

Calabrese F1

Calabrese F1 Zen 12 plants per pack matures 90 to 100 days excellent high domed dark green heads Plant 30cm apart   Mid April to Early June Only available through outlets Saundersons / Tynedale wigton  or Waverton Filling station


Cauliflower all year round 12 Plants per pack Plant mid April to mid June 60 cm apart Harvest September Onwards good shelf life once harvested Only Available through Outlets Saundesons /Tynedale wigton  or Waverton filling station

Leeks (Musselburgh)

Standard Leek Variety 12 cell pack contains approx. 50 leek Plants plant 5cm apart in rows 30cm apart a good crop  to harvest over a long period Only available through Outlets Saundersons / Tynedale Wigton or Waverton filling station

Lettuce (Little Gem)

Lettuce (little gem) 12 plants per pack Quick Maturing approx 40 days from planting sweet Flavour Plant 20 cm apart rows 20cm apart Only available through outlets   Saundersons / Tynedale Wigton or Waverton filling station

Pumpkin F1 Harvest Moon

Pumpkin F1 Harvest Moon sold individualy 10cm pots early maturing compact plant fruit typicaly 4 to 5kg in size Plant early june Harvest October Only available through outlets  Saundersons /tynedale wigton or Waverton filling station

Courgette F1 Midnight

Courgette Midnight F1 Packed in 9cm pot Dark green glossy fruits on compact plants High Yielding Variety Plant Late May /early June  approx. 60cm apart Harvest  Mid July Onwards Only available through outlets  Saundersons /  tynedale wigton or  Waverton filling station

Cabbage (Ballhead type)

Cabbage F1 Stonehead Packs of 12 Plants Mid to late season maturity good standing ability plant 30 cm apart Only Available through Outlets  Saundersons / Tynedale (wigton) and Waverton filling station

Sweetcorn F1

Sweetcorn F1 golden Hind Packed in 9cm pot cobs typically 17 to 19cm in Length an early sweet variety Plant early to Mid June   Harvest September onwards Easy to grow Plant /water / harvest grows to approx. 2.5 metre (depend on soil conditions) Only available through outlets Saundersons / tynedale wigton or waverton filling station